


Commissioned by an art collector, Emergent (Joy, Song, Together) is a three part series envisioning a hopeful ­navigation and rebirth from the legacies of the industrial, consumer, and post-industrial ages. Emergent utilizes the same tools as Swimmers, yet reinterprets them in a way as to present new ideas and visualizations. As with Swimmers, the hand printed monotype ­corrugated cardboard background is overprinted with press printed photopolymer ­elements that are photographs of textural details of old Western Massachusetts mills. Yet unlike Swimmers, color and collaged corrugated cardboard elements are added to the composition to further the narrative.


Song (2023)

Mixed media: monotype, photopolymer and collaged corrugated cardboard; ink on paper. 30” x 44”


Together (2023)

Mixed media: monotype, photopolymer and collaged corrugated cardboard; ink on paper. 30” x 44”


Joy (2023)

Mixed media: monotype, photopolymer and collaged corrugated cardboard; ink on paper. 30” x 44”